Key Operation personnel

Mr. Fandi Tamsin
Survey Manager
Mr. Fandi Tamsin, a highly skilled Geodetic Engineer with extensive experience in the global survey industry. Throughout his career, excelled as a senior surveyor and party chief, both offshore and onshore. Mr Fandi's experience in survey operations has led him to his current role as the head of the Mermaid Survey Department. As the Survey Manager, his role is to oversee the management and development of all Mermaid’s global survey campaigns and services. By actively engaging with survey asset and technical management, he ensures the implementation of precise and efficient survey practices, ultimately optimizing project outcomes.

Malcolm Rennie
ROV Manager
Mr Malcolm Rennie currently manages Mermaid Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) Department that directly utilises company owned and operated subsea assets or arranges third party systems for all its projects globally. Malcolm brings 25 years of global Offshore Oil and Gas experience to the Group. Malcolm’s Management Roles Onshore covered the full range of business from Asset Management to General Management with a full understanding of operations and P&L responsibilities. Malcolm is a repeat member of the IMCA committees and currently serving on the Remote Systems and ROV committee having previously held the position of Asia Pacific Vice Chairman of IMCA.

Andre van Eyssen
Project Manager, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Mr. Andre van Eyssen, Project Manager Saudi Arabia, has been in the Commercial Diving Industry for 33 years and held various leadership positions ranging from Air Diving Superintendent to Offshore Project Manager. Andre has been with the Group since 2014 and proved his value as an exceptional manager. Andre has brought the skills and experience of working for the major IOC’s to the onshore team and his wealth of experience and knowledge provides a steadying hand in the guidance and support he provides to the Group’s busiest business unit.