Survey & Positioning Capabilities
Offshore Construction Support
We provide a wide range of survey and positioning services onboard offshore installation and construction vessels and barges.
- Shallow water construction support: Pipelay, trenching, Heavy lift, Cable / Flexible lay
- Deepwater construction support: LBL array positioning, Acoustic Metrologies, J-lay, Heavy Lift, Cable/ Flexible lay
Offshore Survey Services
We perform a wide range of marine survey projects.

Positioning of DP Vessels
We provide surface and subsea positioning services onboard dynamically-positioned (DP) vessels
- ROV operations
- Cable lay operations
- Heavy lift and pipelay
- DP barges/ vessels
- Dive support vessels Dredging operations

Equipment and Software
We have chosen only industry leading technologies and software to ensure only the highest level service is provided to our clients
We have an extensive pool of staff and regular contract personnel for the below roles
- Project Surveyors
- Multirole Party Chiefs
- Hydrographic Surveyors
- Land Surveyors
- Geophysicists
- Geotechnical engineers
- Survey Technicians
- LBL Surveyors
- LBL Technicians
- Data Processors and CAD operators
- Environmental engineers
Survey & Positioning Capabilities
Inspection Personnel
We maintain an in-house subsea inspection and reporting division to provide an exemplary level of service and support using a pool of multi-national, highly skilled and trained inspection personnel.
- Inspection Coordinators
- CSWIP 3.4u Subsea Inspection Controllers
- CSWIP 3.1u and 3.2u Inspection Divers
- Report writers, QA/QC
- Data processors & Data Managers
- Systems technicians
- NDT – UT, CP, ACFM, MPI, Project Coordination, Data Management, Project Reporting.
Inspection software and solutions
We own and operate both industry standard inspection systems and have spent over a decade in developing in-house inspection software solutions to provide bespoke client customised on-site reporting (IRIS)
- IRIS (Inspection Reporting and Information System) – Subsea digital video recording, data acquisition, editing QA/QC and customised reporting formats to suit almost every client requirement.
- Visualsoft – VisualDVR VisualEdit\Edit Pro Archive VisualEvent VisialOverlay
- COABIS – Structural Inspection