Mr. Lennox Thompson

Mr. Lennox Thompson joined the Group in 2012 in the capacity as Operations Manager responsible for overseeing Air, Mixed Gas, Saturation Diving and ROV as the interface between offshore projects and the clients before being promoted to Country Manager for Qatar and West Africa in 2014 and is currently based in Qatar. Lennox has an extensive Diving and Offshore Background going back some 28 years and has experience working in Africa, The Americas, Far and Middle East and Asia. Qualifications include Air, Mixed Gas and Saturation Diving Certification, IMCA Diving Supervisors, IOGP Representative and Assurance for Dive and ROV Systems, a Diploma in Dynamic Positioning, FEMECA Awareness and IOSH Managing Safely to name a few. The Mermaid Qatar Team have been successful in dealings with most of the O&G Majors within Qatar and have a well-established name and track record