Asia Offshore Drilling Limited - Delivery Of Jack-Up Rig 'AOD I'
Mermaid Maritime Public Company Limited ("Mermaid") hereby gives notice pursuant to Rule 703 of the SGX-ST Listing Manual that its associate company Asia Offshore Drilling Limited ("AOD") under the management of Seadrill Limited ("Seadrill") has today published a news announcement on the Oslo Stock Exchange as follows:
"AOD - Delivery of the Jack-Up AOD I
Hamilton, Bermuda, 1 February 2013. The first rig ordered by Asia Offshore Drilling Ltd at Keppel FELS in Singapore, AOD I, was delivered to AOD's wholly owned subsidiary, Asia Offshore Rig 1 Ltd., yesterday. The rig was delivered at the agreed time and cost and will now be mobilised to the Persian Gulf to commence its previously announced contract with Saudi Aramco. Commencement of the contract is expected to be during April 2013."
Vincent Siaw
Company Secretary
1 February 2013